It wasn't the original plan, but I AM BACK HOME IN JAPAN right now!!
It's been about half a month since I'm back. It was hard to adjust back to the culture here at first, but I remembered most of the customs now and enjoying it a lot. This would be my last return as a student (can't believe it!!).
On the way from Texas to Japan, I got to stop and stay in the Bay Area. This time again I stayed with my best friend, Paige, for about 10 days, and it was as great as always!
Being such a great great friend, she volunteered to keep and market my art works for me. The first sale we made was my "Stone Head" screen print to her boyfriend, Kuro. Im so thankful for them!!
And, we got an Etsy account together! Here is the link to our Etsy store.
Here are some stuff that are on sale so far:
Paige did all the account settings and stuff. Her managing skill is so good!! Spread the word, please!
Check her out on her Tumblr here.
I'm gonna list links to my things again on here. Check them out!