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Inspirational Words

Hi, I'm back! I got busy over the summer doing freelancing, taking an online summer class, and hanging out with old friends back home in Japan. Then I was back to school in September, but you all know the reason I couldn't find time to write a blog post.lol
I'm really excited that this is my last semester. I had a great experience and education at my college, and I'm very thankful for all the opportunities that was given to me. But I'm so ready to get out of this place. I'm excited about start working, being in the city I like, and just about anything that waits on me in the future. It's a bit scary as well, but I'm confident that things will work out in the way they are supposed to. I don't believe in any particular god or in destiny, but I believe that my life isn't too bad for me to be trashed for the rest of my life. Even in bad situations, there are good stuff.

So, as many of the other design nerds, I was shocked and super sad when I head that Steve Jobs was dead. His words at Stanford University graduation in 2005 is just so encouraging and inspirational. I'm assuming that most of you have seen it at this point, so I won't share it here. Though, I highly recommend you to go check it out if you haven't watched the speech yet.

Speaking of inspirational words, I would like to share an interview of Ross Capicchioni for The Berric's Aberrican Me. Ross Capicchioni is a skater who got shot in his arm, chest, and head... and survived.

What Steve Jobs and Ross Capicchioni have in common is that both of them find goods in "shitty" situations. I really like the word of Ross Capicchioni, "I look at what I got, I don't look at what I don't have." Good, isn't it?

I'm wanting to translate the interview into Japanese for my Japanese friends. Let's see if I can find the time!