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4th day of being bored and semi-productive

Ok, so 4th day of no school is ending. Gosh, it was so boring! I tried killing time by watching more youtube videos but it didn't go well. No more kevjumba videos to watch. I have watched all of them :( I can still watch them for 3rd or 4th times and enjoy, but doing so makes me feel so dumb. Because, you know, I start questioning myself, "What am I doing? Don't you have real friends!?"
Though, I still didn't wanna go out to find somebody because it's below 32 degrees. This is unacceptably cold to me.

So, what did I do today?
Well, I made burrito for breakfast with homemade tortillas. It was okay for the first try.
Then, I worked on a blog post for a class, and I did some more illustrations with pencil and watercolors. I really wish my Creative Suits got here this week. It will probably get here next week, though :) Can't wait!!!
Here are the ones I did today:

You are seeing the same girl over and over in the illustrations... yup, that's me! There are three reasons for picking myself:
1. I don't feel bad for messing it up
2. ...So I don't feel nervous
3. I don't have to get anybody's permissions when I upload them online

It's not that I'm in love with myself or anything, in case you are wondering!
I dug up old photos in my hard drive yesterday and today. The trips were quite nostalgic. The people in the illustrations other than me are my friends who probably wouldn't mind to be drawn. I will start exploring to draw different people when I have more confidence in this style. Let me know if you don't mind letting me practice with your face :D

...this might be the longest post ever.
I hope you enjoyed reading!

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