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The Froyo Trend

Happy Sunday!
I went to get breakfast burrito with some friends this morning. It was a great start of a week :)
Today, I'd like to share an info graphic I made last semester. I think I will tweak some for my portfolio later, so it would be great if you could leave a comment!
Here it is:
AND I have a big news... I  FINALLY GOT A MACBOOK PRO!!!!!!!!
Now I don't have to be stuck in the school mac lab for so long anymore. My cs5 is supposed to come in tomorrow. I cant wait! :)


Daily sketches 2

oops, I didn't post anything for 10 days? Sorry!
In 10 days, my neck got so much better(now I can turn my head 45 degree to right and left) and my school started. This is going to be another super hard core semester, but I'm excited to start working on the projects!

I would like to share some more daily sketches I did in the illustration class last semester:


There There

Hi :)
I was super productive today. I've been working on an application for a design position in a Japanese company, and I got the first step almost done today. It's a highly competitive position. Wish me a luck!

As I worked on it, I played Pandora radio as usual, and one phrase from a song struck me. "Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there."--There There by Radiohead.
What this phrase means in the song might be a lot different from how I take it, but who cares? I realized that pain is so subjective which nobody can see or major other than the self. And if anybody else could be sure that you have a pain, how can you be so sure that it's there?

(being philosophical with a help from the frog)

haha, well, I know this is pretty silly. But for sure this thought would help me go through the treatment.
Sorry for not posting any art today. The picture was taken by my roommate when we were in Boston!


The Stranger

Hi, I would like to share a book cover design I did in my Illustration class last semester.
I picked my favorite novel, The Stranger by Albert Camus, for the project. The story is about an existentialist guy. I'm really bad at summarizing, so I won't give it a try here, but I recommend you to read it! If you don't like to read, there is a movie with the same title, too :) It's very interesting.
Here it is:
Water color and some editing on Photoshop.


Pinhole Camera

Hi, I hope you all are having a great Thursday :) Let's not think about the Starbuck's new logo for now... be happy!

Yesterday, I was looking through my old art stuff in my hard drive and found pictures I took with a digital pinhole camera I made.
I cut out a circle from an aluminum can, made a hole in the middle, and put it on my Nikon D60. Here they are:


Nothing remains but Mutability

Let me share my favorite poem by Percy Shelley today.
Well, before that, I'd talk about how I am. I still have not totally gotten over the accident yet. This is my bad habit all the time. Especially days like today when I cannot go out, I tend to let myself sink in a deep thought. It works in a good way sometimes, but not all the time.
This poem is about changes in our lives. Things are constantly changing and nothing stays the same. This is a good reminder for me that, this time too, I will get out of this place sooner or later.

Here it is:
Percy Bysshe Shelly

We are as clouds that veil the midnight moon;
How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver,
Streaking the darkness radiantly!--yet soon
Night closes round, and they are lost for ever:

Or like forgotten lyres, Whose dissonant strings
Give various response to each varying blast,
To whose frail frame no second motion brings
One mood or modulation like the last

We rest.--A dream has power to poison sleep;
We rise.--One wandering thought pollutes the day;
We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep;
Embrace found woe, or cast our cares away;

It is the same!--For, be it joy or sorrow,
The path of its departure still is free:
Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;
Nought may endure but Mutability.

Cited from The Norton Anthology of English Literature


Happy New Year!

Happy new year, friends!! I hope you are starting off the brand new year very well :)

Well, I'm having a little harsh time right now. I got in a car accident at the end of last year. The good thing was that we all survived, and the bad thing was that I had to give up my trip to San Fransisco.
I was super sad and emotional for a while, but I'm gonna leave the bad things behind with 2010 :) I'm only gonna get better in 2011! Wish me a little luck that our treatments and rehabs would go well.

Forgive me for the quality.lol This is the best art I could make today.

Oh, one thing I might start this year...worshiping chiropractors. I'm serious. It's so amazing how they move bones and reduce so much pain!